21 Days Of Positivty - Respect


Port of Bristol Youth Football Club are pleased to announce that most of our coaches have signed up to take part in this FA Respect campaign. 

Why 21 Days?

21 days is the time it takes to form a habit & the ideal amount of time to understand you, your club and begin to find the best methods to use for your coaching style.

For three weeks from the 21st January, there will be a mixture of information, hints, tips and suggested actions to take to strengthen our relationships within our teams and help create a long lasting positive environment for them to continue to enjoy the game for many years to come.

This is also perfect opportunity for parents to be more involved in the game, teaching how to adapt their behaviour and help create a more positive environment on the touch line for their children.

We want everyone to get back the core reason we all play, coach and watch football - the love of the game. If this is something you feel as passionately about as we do, then pre-register today by clicking the picture above!